Uma Thurman and Valeria Lukyanova
Uma Karuna Thurman became famous as the actress who played Mia Wallace as the character in the film Pulp Fiction, which is the dark comedy. The role of the movie made Thurman one of Hollywood's most renowned stars. She's an ardent actor who isn't afraid to lose her glamourous image. It was her role as an unglamorized Kill Bill actress that won her a number of Awards. Born into the family of people known for their unconventional ways of life and was given the Hindu name and was raised with a Buddhist upbringing. She was made fun of due to her large legs and large feet as a young girl. While she now is known for being exotically beautiful, at one time she struggled with her self-esteem and body image. It was her ability to find peace through acting, and was a regular participant in drama classes at the high school. She quit school when she was fifteen because she believed she could be a good actor. Her first job was as a model and doing dishes to make money before being off